“Lifting Burdens: The Atonement of Jesus Christ,”

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Step 10 Daily Accountability

Step 10 - Continue to take personal inventory, and when you are wrong promptly admit it.

My husband had surgery this past week and we were not able to go to serve as missionaries for our ARP meeting this week, however I wanted to make sure to include a message about this wonderful step.

In Alma 5:14-15, he taught that maintaining a might change of heart takes effort. In verse after verse, he indicated that honest, prayerful self appraisal and immediate repentance must be a continual part of life. The guide says that to retain what you have gained, you must stay in fit spiritual condition. To do this you continually ask searching questions about your feelings, thoughts, motives and conduct. This will keep you from slipping back into the habits you are leaving behind. Take your weaknesses to your Heavenly Father in prayer and ask him to help you find peace. Keep your heart open and focused on the lessons that you have learned from the life of our Savior and what he taught.

Serve others and in doing so, the focus of your own problems, troubles and thoughts will soon turn toward humbling yourself and the desire to help others. It is amazing to me how simple service is yet so many of us somehow let this slip in our lives. One of my favorite stories that I have listened to as a child as well as passed on to my children is a story of an old man who wants to be happy. He finds that when he gives away service to others, he finds happiness within. The words go like this...."Said Old Gentleman Gray, on a Christmas Day... if you want to be happy, give something away." You can find the whole story in this blog archives by going back to Thursday, November 20, 2008 posting entitled: Giving Thanks at Thanksgiving time. Read through this story and listen to the message. It is simple yet profound. Impliment service in your life and think about this quote as you serve..."If you want to be happy, give something away!"

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve was quoted in the ARP manuel saying: “Worthiness interviews, sacrament meetings, temple attendance, and other Church meetings are all part of the plan that the Lord provides to educate our souls, to help us develop the healthy habit of constantly checking our bearings to stay on the path of faith. Regular spiritual checkups help us navigate life’s highways and byways. . . .
“. . . We can all . . . benefit by looking deep inside our hearts during reverent moments of worship and prayer and asking ourselves this simple question, ‘Am
I true?’ “The question becomes more powerfully useful if we are completely honest with our answers and if it motivates us to make repentant course corrections
that keep us on the path of faith” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 20; or Ensign, May 1997, 17).

Imagine how wonderful it will be, actually you don't have to imagine if you really do it.... but how nice will it be for you to know that you are forgiven of your past sins and finally able to worthily partake of the sacrament. In a past poste, I quoted someone who said that partaking of the sacrament each week is like being rebaptized. When we are baptized we are made clean and promise to keep the commandments that the Lord has given us. There is no more wonderful feeling than to know we are clean and pure once again. This is definately something that we all need to work toward in the remission of our sins and addictions.

As you work this step, you will become more aware of Heavenly Father's prsence in your life as you call upon Him to help you stay spiritually clean. You will even be less judgemental of others and be able to forgive others imperfections as well as your own. It is such a joy to realize that anytime and anywhere we feel a need to pray, that Heavenly Father will give his undivided attention and listen to the pleading of our hearts and be receptive to our needs. Your love for Him will increase and you will know that He is the guiding light and power for good in your life. He is also a loving father who wants nothing more than for you to come home to him one day after you have learned all that you have been sent here to earth to do. We always have a understanding and loving Father in our lifes!

I pray that you will have a good week and will exercise the principles taught in step 10 as well as continue to work the other steps as well.

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Hope ya know we had a hard time

This is a great video for everyone to view. There isn't anyone who gets out of this life with out experiencing some challenges, hurts, sorrows, and all manner of adversities.

Beautiful and inspiring video of Hope - music "Broken" by Kenneth Cope

Kenneth Cope - Broken

[via FoxyTunes / Kenneth Cope]

Broken by Kenneth Cope - Broken clouds give rain. Broken soil grows grain. Broken bread feeds man for one more day. Broken storms yield light. Break of day heals night. Broken pride turns blindness into sight. Broken souls that need His mending. Broken hearts for offering. Could it be that God loves broken things? Broken chains set free. Broken swords bring peace. Broken walls make friends of you and me. To break the ranks of sin. To break the news of Him. To put on Christ ‘til his name feels broken in. Broken souls that need His mending. Broken hearts for offering. I believe that God loves broken things. And yet our broken faith, our broken promises Sent love to the cross. And still that broken flesh, that broken heart of His Offers us a trace and mercy, covers us with love undeserving.

Come to Jesus and Live - Kenneth Cope

Come to Jesus by Kenneth Cope

[via FoxyTunes / Kenneth Cope]

Do you need some inspiration to get clean and sober?

Please view this very inspirational video clip of Nick (below), who from his outward appearance seems to have nothing to offer or live for. BUT.. when you watch it you will see that his positive attitude and outlook on what he has been given to deal with in life, should inspire you to want to make your life better.

Quoting from the video, Nick says that with trials, "It is not the end, it matters how you finnish... are you going to finnish strong? You will find the strength to get back up".

I hope you will find the hope to help yourself with your addiction, because as you look around, there is always someone who has it worse off than you . Is the way you are currently dealing with your life life the way that God meant for you to liv? Nick has learned from his challenges, and is making something out of his life. How about you? Pick yourself up by your boot straps and conquer your addiction. You can do it and must do it because living with addiction isn't the quality of life that God planned for you. Heavenly Father wants you to be happy and you can be just as happy as you choose to be.

This clip is not a part of the Addiction Recovery Program but one that I found that I felt personally could touch your heart.
I also don't know what the language is that is shown at the bottom of the video clip, so disregard it, just listen to the inspirational message that Nick offers. ... Also you may need to have some tissue handy.

So you have fallen? Well get back up! Enjoy this inspirational video.